Vladislav V. Kobychev

Curriculum Vitae

Personal information

Name: Vladislav Valerievich KOBYCHEV
Date of birth: February 01, 1967
Place of birth: Yarensk, Arkhangelsk region, Russia
Citizenship: Ukraine
Current position: Acting Head of the Lepton Physics Department, Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

E-mail: kobychev@kinr.kiev.ua
Mail address: INR, Prospekt Nauki 47, Kyiv, 03028, Ukraine
Web site: https://lpd.kinr.kyiv.ua/kobychev

Education, academic background

Academic degrees:

Papers in peer reviewed journals

More than 80 papers, cited more than 2000 times. The up-to-date publication list with citation metrics is available in http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-3322-2008

Scopus Author ID: 36094219000.
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0030-7451.

Main achievements

Professional activity and positions

Temporary positions:

Research interests and expertise

My main research areas are in the field of experimental non-accelerator nuclear and particle physics:
I participated in the following international collaborations:

Professional awards

Teaching activity


Last updated: 22 Sep 2022