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The LPD news

Despite the russian invasion of Ukraine, we continue to work. Russkiy mir go fuck yourself!


  "Russkiy mir go fuck yourself!" Fragment of mosaic by artist Tetyana Rodkin, founder of mosaic studio "Tsylisno",
  Kyiv, Ukraine

Prof. Fedor Danevich was elected to the NAS Ukraine as a Corresponding Member.

Dr. Oksana Polischuk and Dr. Dmytro Kasperovych obtained a rank Associate professor.

Dmytro Kasperovych received a Diploma on the Scholarship from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 2023

Dmytro Kasperovych and Volodymyr Klavdienko awarded the Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists for the series of works ''Experimental search for the double-beta decay of 106Cd'' (here is a Diploma)

Dmytro Kasperovych and Volodymyr Klavdienko obtained Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists for the series of works ''Experimental search for the double-beta decay of 106Cd''

Exhibition in the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine on the Yu.G. Zdesenko's 80th birthday (in Ukrainian)

Congratulations to Nazar Sokur with successful defence of PhD thesis Alpha decay of 212Po and the search for the superheavy element cyborgium

Congratulations to Mykola Zarytskyy with successful defence of PhD thesis Monte Carlo simulations for double beta decay search experiments

Congratulations to Volodymyr Klavdiienko with successful defence of PhD thesis Double beta decay of 106Cd

Lecture of Prof. Luca Pattavina on the LPD winter seminars RES-NOVA: A revolutionary archaeological Pb observatory for astrophysical neutrino sources is already on our YouTube channel

We have found more than 10 000 references on our publications

We carried out our usual plan: 12 articles in refereed journals per 12 months

Report on the project Study of rare decays of atomic nuclei, measurements of neutrino fluxes, searches for processes beyond the Standard Model of particles performed by the LPD in 2018-2022 (in Ukrainian)

The annual Lepton Physics Department winter seminars are scheduled for January 10th to 13th, 2023.

Work of Fedor Danevich in the Expert group for evaluation of textbooks for school of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine (MONU) was marked with a Certificate of the Institute of Education Content Modernization of the MONU

Dr. Volodymyr Tretyak is one of the 92 Ukrainian scientists selected by the Stanford University to be in the Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators

Participants of the Laboratory of Young Scientists (Oksana Polischuk, Maria Romanyuk, Dmytro Kasperovych, Nazar Sokur) were awarded a Certificate of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Ukraine became a member of the APPEC at the APPEC General Assembly July 19th, 2022 (see also Austria and Ukraine join APPEC)

Despite the russian invasion of Ukraine the Lepton Physics Department continues the scientific work. The russian authorities, the "second army of the world" and everybody who support the war: go fuck yourself.

A public lecture Neutrinos elusive, but very important particle by Fedor Danevich for the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (April 16, 2021) is already available on-line

The annual Lepton Physics Department winter seminars were held January 10th to 13th, 2022. The program of the seminars included an invited talk "Coevolution of supermassive black holes and host galaxies on cosmological time scales" by Dr. Sci. Peter Berczik, The Main Astronomical Observatory of NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
The lecture is in our YouTube channel

Article about our work in the project of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine (in Ukrainian)

The CUPID collaboration, where the group from the Lepton Physics Department participates, was established. The project CUPID is an upgrade of the CUORE experiment, aiming at searching for neutrinoless double beta decay of 100Mo with low temperature Li2MoO4 scintillating bolometers enriched in 100Mo.

A public lecture Neutrino and other terrible things at the Scientific meetings platform (in Ukrainian)

The annual Lepton Physics Department winter seminars were held January 11th to 14th, 2021. The program of the seminars included an invited talk "How age of geological processes, rocks and minerals is determined" by Prof. Prof. Alexei Ivanov, Institute of the Earth's Crust, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia.
The lecture is in our YouTube channel

A review Neutrinoless double-electron capture is published in Rev. Mod. Phys.

The article in Nature of the Borexino collaboration on the experimental evidence of neutrinos produced in the CNO fusion cycle in the Sun

A group from the Lepton Physics Department obtained a 3-yrears grant of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine for the project "Double beta decay" (Grant No. 2020.02/0011)

Paper about the CUPID-Mo experiment in the ZN.UA online newspaper (in Ukrainian)

Information on the Espreso TV channel about the CUPID-Mo experiment (in Ukrainian)

Press Release of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine about the first results of the CUPID-Mo experiment (in Ukrainian)

Congratulations to Dr. Denys Poda on getting a permanent position at the IJCLab, Orsay, France

The annual 2020 Lepton Physics Department winter seminars were held January 8th to 10th, 2020. The program of the seminars included an invited talk "A Nation Subjugated but Not Absorbed" Evolution of the Soviet Ukraine national status in 1917-1921" by Dr. Hennadii Yefimenko, senior scientific researcher of the Institute of History of Ukraine of NASU.
The lecture is in our YouTube channel

Dmytro Kasperovych successfully defended PhD thesis "Double beta decay of 116Cd and 150Nd nuclei"

Oksana Polischuk, Dmytro Kasperovych, Maria Romanyuk, Nazar Sokur received grant of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine "Laboratory of young scientists"

A review Experimental searches for rare alpha and beta decays is published in Eur. Phys. J. A

A Lepton Physics Department YouTube channel is created

The annual 2019 Lepton Physics Department winter seminars will held January 9th to 11th, 2019. The program of the seminars includes an invited talk Ecological situation in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone by Denys Vishnevskiy, head of the Department of Flora and Fauna Ecology, Chernobyl Radiation-Ecological Biosphere Reserve, Ivankiv, Ukraine.
The lecture is in our YouTube channel

The article in Nature on the Borexino's improved result on the primary proton–proton fusion process in the Sun

Oksana Polischuk, Dmytro Kasperovych, Maria Romanyuk, Roman Kobychev received grant of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine "Laboratory of young scientists"

5 yr (2013-2017) LPD scientific report

The State prize of Ukraine in science and technology in 2016 awarded for the work "Properties of neutrino and weak interactions, search for effects beyond the Standard Model" (authors: Yu.G. Zdesenko, F.A. Danevich, V.V. Kobychev, V.I. Tretyak, G.P. Kovtun, A.P.Shcherban, L.L. Nagornaya, I.A. Tupitsyna)

The annual 2017 Lepton Physics Department winter seminars was held from Tuesday January 10 to Thursday January 12, 2017. The program of the seminars includes invited talk Topological phase and topological phase transitions (the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2016) by Sergiy Sharapov from the Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The book "Dark energy and dark matter in the Universe" (F.A. Danevich, V.V. Kobychev and V.I. Tretyak are authors of the 7th chapter "Search for effects beyond the Standard Model of particles in low counting experiments") was awarded as the best book issued by the National Academy f Sciences of Ukraine in 2016 in the field of Physics and Technology sciences.

Article (in Ukrainian) about application of Yu.G. Zdesenko, F.A. Danevich, V.V. Kobychev, V.I. Tretyak, G.P. Kovtun, A.P.Shcherban, L.L. Nagornaya and I.A. Tupitsyna on the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology 2016 is published in Uryadovy Kuryer newspaper.

For the first time a large volume (about 1 kg) lithium molybdate crystal scintillator was produced from enriched 100Mo (Li2100MoO4) to search for neutrinoless double beta decay of 100Mo in the framework of the LUMINEU / LUCINEU projects.

A paper The discovery of neutrino oscillations as a step to unraveling the Universe structure by F.A.Danevich, V.V.Kobychev, V.I.Tretyak is published in the Viche journal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (the Ukrainian parliament) PDF version

The annual 2016 Lepton Physics Department winter seminars was held from Monday January 11 to Wednesday January 13, 2016. The program of the seminars includes invited talk Search the decay products of dark matter in the cosmic rays by Bohdan Hnatyk from the Astronomical Observatory of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Valentyna Mokina got PhD degree at INR (Kyiv, Ukraine) for thesis "Scintillation detectors based on molybdate and tungstate crystals for double beta-decay search".

The third volume «Dark matter: Observational manifestation and experimental searches» of the book «Dark energy and dark matter in the Universe» (Akademperiodyka, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2015) has been released. The 7th Chapter of the book «Search for effects beyond the Standard Model of particles in low counting experiments» is written by F.A. Danevich, V.V. Kobychev, V.I. Tretyak.

The defence of PhD thesis of Valentyna Mokina is scheduled on 17 Sep 2015.

Dmitry Chernyak got PhD degree at CSNSM (Orsay, France) for thesis "Development of cryogenic low background detector based on enriched zinc molybdate crystal scintillators to search for neutrinoless double beta decay of 100Mo".

For the first time a large volume (about 1.4 kg) zinc molybdate crystal scintillator was produced from enriched 100Mo to search for neutrinoless double beta decay of 100Mo in the framework of the LUMINEU project.

Valentyna Mokina has been selected for a post-doctoral position at the section Roma La Sapienza in the framework of the INFN Fellowship Programme 2015/2016.

Vladimir Tretyak has given a talk Double beta decay: history and current status in the University of Oxford.

The article in Nature on the Borexino's measurements of the primary proton–proton fusion process in the Sun
see also article of Vladislav Kobychev in Troitsky Variant scientific newspaper (in Russian).

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Last updated May 9th, 2024 by f